How to Reheat Spring Rolls in Air Fryer : Crispy Reheating Tips

To reheat spring rolls in an air fryer, preheat the air fryer at 350°F, then place the spring rolls inside the basket and cook for 3-5 minutes until they are crispy and heated through. Are you craving the delicious crispy texture of spring rolls but not sure how to reheat them in an air fryer?

Look no further! This article will guide you through the simple steps to achieve perfectly reheated spring rolls using your air fryer. Whether you have leftover spring rolls from a restaurant or a homemade batch, the air fryer is a convenient and effective method for reheating them.

Keep reading to learn how to easily enjoy your favorite spring rolls with that irresistible crispy exterior in just a few minutes!

Understanding The Air Fryer For Reheating Spring Rolls

Welcome to our guide on reheating spring rolls with an air fryer. Understanding the Air Fryer for Reheating Spring Rolls is essential for achieving perfect results, so let’s delve into the workings of this versatile kitchen appliance and the benefits it offers for reheating delicious spring rolls.

Working Principles Of An Air Fryer

An air fryer operates on the principle of hot air circulation, which rapidly cooks and crisps food. It mimics the effects of deep-frying by using a small amount of oil and circulating hot air around the food at a high speed. This creates a crispy outer layer while maintaining the moisture inside, resulting in perfectly reheated spring rolls with a satisfying crunch.

Benefits Of Using An Air Fryer For Reheating

  • Even reheating: An air fryer ensures that spring rolls are uniformly reheated, avoiding any uneven heating that can occur in a microwave.
  • Preserves texture: The hot air circulation in an air fryer helps retain the crispy texture of spring rolls, unlike traditional reheating methods that can make them soggy.
  • No oil splatter: Reheating spring rolls in an air fryer eliminates the risk of oil splattering, making it a safer and less messy option compared to stovetop reheating.
  • Time efficiency: Air fryers typically reheat food faster than ovens, making them a quick and convenient option for busy individuals.
How to Reheat Spring Rolls in Air Fryer  : Crispy Reheating Tips


Preparing Spring Rolls For Reheating In Air Fryer

When preparing spring rolls for reheating in an air fryer, it’s essential to select the right type of spring rolls. Ensure that the spring rolls are specifically labeled as suitable for air frying. Look for spring rolls that have a thin, crispy skin, as they will yield the best results when reheated in an air fryer.

  • Store spring rolls in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag
  • Keep them in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness
  • Place a layer of parchment paper between each spring roll to prevent sticking
  • Properly stored spring rolls can be refrigerated for up to 2 days before reheating

Thawing spring rolls is an important step before reheating in an air fryer. Thawing allows the spring rolls to heat evenly and ensures a crispy exterior. Remove the spring rolls from the freezer and let them thaw in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours or at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Avoid reheating frozen spring rolls directly, as they may not cook evenly and can result in a soggy texture.

Steps To Reheat Spring Rolls In Air Fryer

Reheating spring rolls in an air fryer is a great way to enjoy crispy and delicious leftovers. With the right steps, you can achieve that perfect golden-brown crunch without drying out the filling. Here are the simple steps to reheat spring rolls in an air fryer.

Preheating The Air Fryer

Before you begin, preheat your air fryer to ensure even and consistent cooking. Set the temperature to 350°F and let it preheat for a few minutes.

Placing The Spring Rolls In The Air Fryer Basket

Once the air fryer is preheated, carefully place the spring rolls in the air fryer basket, making sure they are not overcrowded. This will allow hot air to circulate around each roll, ensuring they reheat evenly.

Setting The Time And Temperature

Set the air fryer temperature to 325°F and the timer to 6-8 minutes. Keep an eye on the spring rolls as they reheat, adjusting the time if needed to achieve the desired level of crispiness.

Checking For Crispiness During Reheating

Halfway through the reheating process, open the air fryer and check the spring rolls for crispiness. If they are not yet golden brown and crispy, continue cooking for an additional 2-3 minutes.

Tips For Achieving Crispy Reheating Results

When it comes to reheating spring rolls in an air fryer, achieving that perfect crispiness can make all the difference. With the following tips, you can ensure your spring rolls come out crispy and delicious every time.

Using Oil Spray For Added Crispiness

Applying a light layer of oil spray to the spring rolls before placing them in the air fryer can help enhance their crispiness. The oil helps to promote browning and crisping of the outer shell, resulting in a delightful crunch that complements the tender fillings.

Avoiding Overcrowding In The Air Fryer Basket

To achieve optimal crispy results, it’s crucial to avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking and hinder the circulation of hot air around the spring rolls, resulting in soggier outcomes. Make sure to leave enough space between the spring rolls for the hot air to circulate evenly.

Flipping Spring Rolls For Even Reheating

For an even and thorough reheating process, consider flipping the spring rolls halfway through the cooking time. This helps to ensure that each side of the spring roll receives consistent heat, resulting in an evenly crispy texture throughout.

Serving And Enjoying Crispy Reheated Spring Rolls

After successfully reheating your spring rolls in the air fryer, it’s time to savor and enjoy these delicious, crispy treats. There are a few important steps and considerations to keep in mind to ensure that your reheated spring rolls are served and enjoyed at their best.

Letting The Spring Rolls Cool Before Serving

Allowing the reheated spring rolls to cool for a few minutes is essential to preserve their crispiness and prevent burns while enjoying them. Place the hot spring rolls on a wire rack or a plate, allowing the air to circulate around them and avoiding steam buildup that can lead to sogginess.

Ideal Dipping Sauces For Crispy Reheated Spring Rolls

Pairing your crispy reheated spring rolls with the right dipping sauces can elevate the overall flavor experience. Some popular options include sweet chili sauce, hoisin sauce, peanut sauce, or a simple combination of soy sauce and rice vinegar. Feel free to experiment with different flavors to find your perfect match!

Tips For Maintaining Crispiness If Reheating In Batches

If you need to reheat a large batch of spring rolls, it’s crucial to maintain their crispiness throughout the process. To achieve this, ensure that the air fryer is not overcrowded, allowing enough space between each roll for the hot air to circulate. Consider reheating in smaller batches if necessary to maintain optimal crispiness.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Reheat Spring Rolls In Air Fryer

How Do I Reheat Spring Rolls In An Air Fryer?

To reheat spring rolls in the air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 350°F, arrange the spring rolls in a single layer, and air fry for 3-5 minutes until they are crispy and heated through. Avoid overcrowding the basket for even heating.

What Is The Best Temperature To Reheat Spring Rolls In An Air Fryer?

The ideal temperature to reheat spring rolls in an air fryer is 350°F. This temperature ensures that the spring rolls become crispy and heated through evenly without the risk of burning or becoming soggy.

Can I Use An Air Fryer To Reheat Frozen Spring Rolls?

Yes, you can use an air fryer to reheat frozen spring rolls. Simply preheat the air fryer, place the frozen spring rolls in the basket, and air fry at 350°F for 7-8 minutes until they are hot and crispy.

How Can I Prevent Spring Rolls From Becoming Soggy When Reheating In An Air Fryer?

To prevent spring rolls from becoming soggy when reheating in an air fryer, make sure to arrange them in a single layer without overcrowding the basket. This allows for even airflow around the spring rolls, resulting in crispy and delicious reheated spring rolls.


Reheating spring rolls in an air fryer is a convenient and effective method that helps maintain their crispiness. By following the simple steps discussed you can enjoy delicious and crispy spring rolls with minimal effort. Elevate your culinary experience with this practical cooking technique for reheating spring rolls in the air fryer.

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