How Long to Smoke Flank Steak at 350

How Long to Smoke Flank Steak at 350 : Sizzle with Expert Tips

At 350°F, smoke flank steak for 20-25 minutes until it reaches desired doneness. Smoking flank steak at 350°F typically takes 20-25 minutes, resulting in juicy and flavorful meat.

Grilling flank steak with a smoky flavor at 350°F can be achieved in 20-25 minutes, providing a delectable meal for any occasion. The process of smoking involves infusing the meat with a rich, smoky taste while sealing in its natural juices.

This simple yet effective cooking technique enhances the tenderness and flavor of the steak, making it a popular choice for many. Whether you prefer a rare, medium-rare, or well-done finish, smoking flank steak at 350°F yields mouthwatering results every time. With its relatively quick cooking time, smoking this cut of meat is a convenient and delicious option for a variety of culinary creations.

Preparing To Smoke Flank Steak

When preparing to smoke flank steak, it’s important to begin with the right cut of meat and optimal thickness for the best results. Properly selecting and preparing the flank steak can make all the difference in the final flavor and texture of the smoked dish. Let’s dive into the essential considerations when preparing to smoke flank steak at 350°F.

Choosing The Right Flank Steak Cut

The success of smoking a flank steak largely depends on selecting the right cut of meat. When it comes to flank steak, it’s crucial to choose a well-trimmed, high-quality cut. Look for flank steak with a rich marbling of fat and a firm texture to ensure tenderness and juiciness when smoked. Opting for organic or grass-fed flank steak can also enhance the flavor and nutrient profile of the finished dish.

Additionally, ensure the flank steak is fresh and within its expiration date to guarantee the best possible taste and minimize the risk of foodborne illness. Inspect the meat for any discoloration, off-putting odor, or excessive liquid in the packaging, as these may indicate spoilage or poor quality.

Optimal Thickness For Smoking

The thickness of the flank steak plays a critical role in the smoking process, affecting the overall texture and tenderness of the finished product. Generally, selecting flank steak that’s between 1 to 1.5 inches thick is ideal for smoking at 350°F. This thickness allows for proper penetration of the smoky flavor while ensuring the steak retains its juicy and tender characteristics.

When considering the ideal thickness, keep in mind that overly thin cuts may dry out quickly during the smoking process, whereas overly thick cuts might not cook evenly. Therefore, selecting flank steak with a moderate thickness is essential for achieving a perfectly smoked outcome.

How Long to Smoke Flank Steak at 350  : Sizzle with Expert Tips


Ideal Smoking Conditions

When smoking a flank steak at 350 degrees, maintaining the ideal smoking conditions is essential for achieving a perfectly smoked, tender, and flavorful result. Ideal smoking conditions involve precise temperature control and careful maintenance to ensure the best possible outcome. To achieve the perfect smoked flank steak, it’s crucial to understand the temperature control required and the tips for maintaining a 350-degree temperature throughout the smoking process.

Temperature Control For Smoking

Temperature control is crucial when smoking flank steak at 350 degrees. Achieving and sustaining the optimal temperature is essential for the steak to cook evenly and absorb the smoky flavor. Utilizing a reliable smoker thermometer and continuously monitoring the temperature throughout the smoking process is vital. While smoking, maintain a consistent temperature to ensure the flank steak cooks to perfection.

Tips For Maintaining A 350-degree Temperature

  • Choose the right fuel source for your smoker, such as charcoal, wood chips, or pellets, to generate and maintain the desired temperature.
  • Regulate the airflow within the smoker to control the temperature. Adjust the vents or dampers to manage the amount of oxygen and maintain the ideal heat level.
  • Preheat the smoker to the target temperature before adding the flank steak. This ensures that the cooking environment is stable and ready for the smoking process.
  • Use a water pan within the smoker to help regulate temperature fluctuations and create a moist cooking environment, ideal for smoking the flank steak to perfection.
  • Check the temperature regularly and make adjustments as needed to maintain the 350-degree smoking environment for the entire cooking duration.

Smoking Time For Flank Steak

Smoked flank steak is a delicious and flavorful dish that can be enjoyed on various occasions. However, the key to achieving a perfect smoked flank steak lies in the smoking time. Getting the smoking time right ensures that the flank steak is tender, juicy, and full of smoky flavor. In this blog, we will delve into the specifics of smoking time for flank steak at 350 degrees to help you achieve the perfect results.

Calculating Smoking Time At 350 Degrees

When smoking flank steak at 350 degrees, it is important to consider the size and thickness of the cut. As a general rule of thumb, you can calculate the smoking time based on the thickness of the flank steak. Here’s a simple guide to help you calculate the smoking time for different thicknesses:

Flank Steak Thickness Approximate Smoking Time
1/2 inch 15-20 minutes
3/4 inch 20-25 minutes
1 inch 25-30 minutes

Using The Internal Temperature As A Guide

Another effective way to determine the smoking time for flank steak is by using the internal temperature as a guide. Invest in a reliable meat thermometer and monitor the internal temperature of the steak as it smokes. For a medium-rare doneness, aim for an internal temperature of 130-135°F. Here’s a rough estimation of the smoking time based on the target internal temperature:

  • Cook to 130°F – approximately 15-20 minutes
  • Cook to 135°F – approximately 20-25 minutes
  • Cook to 140°F – approximately 25-30 minutes

Pro Tips For Smoking Flank Steak

When it comes to smoking flank steak, there are a few pro tips that can take your culinary skills to the next level. From enhancing the flavor with wood chips to the resting and slicing techniques, these expert tips will ensure that your smoked flank steak is juicy, flavorful, and tender.

Enhancing Flavor With Wood Chips

Choosing the right wood chips can significantly enhance the flavor of your smoked flank steak. Hickory and mesquite are popular choices for smoking red meat, as they impart a rich, smoky flavor that complements the natural taste of the steak. For a milder smoky flavor, consider using cherry or apple wood chips. Experimenting with different wood chip combinations can help you find the perfect flavor profile for your smoked flank steak.

Resting And Slicing Techniques After Smoking

Allowing the smoked flank steak to rest after it comes off the smoker is crucial for maximizing juiciness and tenderness. Resting the steak allows the juices to redistribute evenly throughout the meat, ensuring a moist and flavorful end result. When it comes time to slice the smoked flank steak, be sure to cut against the grain to maintain a tender texture. Slicing the steak thinly and at a slight angle helps to showcase the smoky flavor and ensures a satisfying eating experience.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How Long To Smoke Flank Steak At 350

How Long Should I Smoke Flank Steak At 350 Degrees?

You should smoke flank steak at 350°F for about 30-40 minutes. However, it’s vital to use a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches an internal temperature of 135°F for medium rare or 145°F for medium doneness.

What Are The Best Wood Chips For Smoking Flank Steak?

Opt for mesquite or hickory wood chips to infuse a bold, smoky flavor into your flank steak. These wood chips complement the rich taste of the meat, enhancing the overall flavor profile of your dish.

Should I Marinate Flank Steak Before Smoking?

Yes, marinating flank steak before smoking can enhance its flavor and tenderness. A simple marinade of oil, citrus juice, and seasonings can work wonders in adding depth and richness to the meat, resulting in a delectable final dish.


Smoking flank steak at 350 degrees offers a delectable and juicy outcome. The combination of slow cooking and flavorful wood smoke creates a tender and mouthwatering dish that’s worth waiting for. By following the right cooking time, anyone can achieve a perfectly smoked flank steak that will be a hit at any gathering.

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