How Long to Smoke Filet Mignon at 350

How Long to Smoke Filet Mignon at 350: Mastering the Perfect Cook

You should smoke filet mignon at 350°F for 30-40 minutes for a medium-rare doneness. Smoking filet mignon at 350°F for 30-40 minutes will result in a perfect medium-rare doneness.

Filet mignon, also known as beef tenderloin, is a tender and flavorful cut of meat that lends itself well to smoking. Smoking the filet mignon at 350°F infuses it with a rich, smoky flavor and creates a delicious crust on the outside while keeping the inside juicy and tender.

This cooking method is ideal for those who enjoy the taste of smoked meat and want to elevate the flavors of their filet mignon. We will delve into the details of smoking filet mignon at 350°F, providing you with the knowledge to create a delectable dish that will impress your family and friends.

Understanding The Filet Mignon Cut

Welcome to our guide on understanding the filet mignon cut. Filet mignon is a tender, lean, and flavorful cut of beef that is highly prized by meat enthusiasts for its exceptional taste and texture. In this section, we’ll delve into the characteristics of filet mignon and how to choose the best cuts for smoking at 350 degrees.

Characteristics Of Filet Mignon

Filet mignon, known for its tender and buttery texture, is cut from the tenderloin muscle of the cow. This muscle is located along the back, near the ribs, and is not weight-bearing, resulting in a supremely tender cut of beef. Filet mignon is also very lean, with minimal marbling, making it a favorite for those seeking a healthier steak option. Its mild flavor allows it to easily take on the smoky taste during the smoking process, making it a popular choice for smoked dishes.

Choosing The Best Filet Mignon Cuts

When selecting filet mignon for smoking at 350 degrees, it’s crucial to choose the best cuts for optimal flavor and tenderness. Look for filet mignon cuts that are evenly shaped and have a generous amount of marbling. Opt for cuts that are at least 1.5 inches thick to ensure they can withstand the smoking process at a higher temperature without overcooking. Additionally, choose filet mignon cuts with a bright red color and minimal browning, as this indicates freshness and quality.

Preparing Filet Mignon For Smoking

To prepare filet mignon for smoking, it is essential to season the meat and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, smoke the filet mignon at 350°F for approximately 25-30 minutes until it reaches the desired doneness. It’s crucial to monitor the internal temperature using a meat thermometer for optimal results.

Seasoning Tips For Filet Mignon

When preparing filet mignon for smoking, it’s essential to start with a good seasoning to enhance the flavors. Here are some seasoning tips to consider:

  • Use a dry rub: Create a flavorful dry rub using a combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and other preferred spices.
  • Marinate for added flavor: Consider marinating the filet mignon in a mixture of olive oil, herbs, and spices to infuse it with additional flavors.
  • Allow time for seasoning: Give the filet mignon enough time to absorb the seasoning by letting it sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour before smoking.

Prepping The Smoker For Filet Mignon

Before smoking filet mignon, it’s crucial to prepare the smoker to ensure optimal cooking results. Follow these steps to prep the smoker for filet mignon:

  1. Clean the smoker: Make sure the smoker grates and surfaces are clean to avoid any unwanted flavors from affecting the filet mignon.
  2. Set the temperature: Preheat the smoker to 350°F to achieve the desired cooking temperature for the filet mignon.
  3. Add wood chips: Choose flavorful wood chips, such as hickory or mesquite, and add them to the smoker for a smoky flavor infusion.
  4. Arrange the filet mignon: Once the smoker is prepped, place the seasoned filet mignon on the grates and let it smoke until it reaches the desired level of doneness.

Smoking Filet Mignon At 350 Degrees

Smoking filet mignon at 350 degrees can result in a tender and flavorful dish that’s sure to impress. The process involves infusing the meat with a delicate smoky flavor while maintaining its natural juiciness. When done right, smoking filet mignon at this temperature produces a perfect medium-rare doneness with a beautiful crust on the outside. Here’s a breakdown of the ideal temperature and cooking time, using wood chips for flavor infusion, and tips for monitoring the smoking process to achieve a mouthwatering outcome.

Ideal Temperature And Cooking Time

When smoking filet mignon at 350 degrees, it’s essential to aim for a medium-rare doneness, which typically requires an internal temperature of 130-135°F. At 350 degrees, the cooking time can vary but generally takes around 30-40 minutes, depending on the thickness of the filet mignon. It’s crucial to use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches the desired doneness without overcooking the meat.

Using Wood Chips For Flavor Infusion

For a delicious smoky flavor, consider using wood chips such as hickory, cherry, or oak. Soak the wood chips in water for approximately 30 minutes before adding them to the smoker. Once added, the wood chips will release aromatic smoke that gently permeates the filet mignon, enhancing its overall flavor profile.

Monitoring The Smoking Process

Throughout the smoking process, it’s crucial to monitor the temperature inside the smoker to ensure it consistently stays at 350 degrees. Additionally, periodically check the filet mignon to prevent any flare-ups or excessive charring. By maintaining a steady temperature and carefully watching the meat, you can ensure that the filet mignon absorbs just the right amount of smoky essence without becoming overdone.

Testing For Doneness And Resting

Smoke filet mignon at 350 degrees until internal temperature reaches 135°F for medium-rare. Test doneness using a meat thermometer. After cooking, allow the meat to rest for 5-10 minutes to redistribute juices for maximum tenderness and flavor.

Techniques For Checking Filet Mignon Doneness

Before diving into the specifics of smoking filet mignon at 350 degrees, it’s crucial to understand the importance of testing for doneness and allowing the meat to rest. Properly checking the doneness of your filet mignon is a vital step in achieving the perfect level of tenderness and flavor. Additionally, allowing the filet mignon to rest after smoking plays a significant role in ensuring a juicy and flavorful outcome.

The Importance Of Allowing Filet Mignon To Rest

  • Temperature: Use a reliable meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. For medium-rare filet mignon, aim for an internal temperature of 130-135°F.
  • Touch Test: Employ the touch test method where you press the steak with your finger to assess its firmness. A softer feel indicates rarer doneness, while a firmer steak suggests a more well-done outcome.

The Importance of Allowing Filet Mignon to Rest:

  • Resting Period: After smoking, let the filet mignon rest for at least 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving. This resting period enables the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and flavorful steak.

Serving And Enjoying The Perfectly Smoked Filet Mignon

Smoking filet mignon at 350 degrees produces a tender and flavorful dish. Once the smoking process is complete, the next crucial step is serving and enjoying the perfectly smoked filet mignon. To make the most out of this culinary delight, it’s essential to focus on the slicing and presentation techniques as well as the pairing suggestions for a complete dining experience.

Slicing And Presentation Techniques

When it comes to slicing and presenting smoked filet mignon, the goal is to preserve the tenderness and appealing texture of the meat. Here are a few key techniques to consider:

  • Allow the smoked filet mignon to rest for a few minutes before slicing to retain its juices and enhance the tenderness.
  • Use a sharp knife to slice the filet mignon against the grain for a more tender mouthfeel.
  • Arrange the sliced filet mignon on a serving platter, garnishing with fresh herbs or a drizzle of flavored olive oil for an elegant presentation.

Pairing Suggestions For Smoked Filet Mignon

Pairing smoked filet mignon with the right accompaniments can elevate the dining experience. Consider these pairing suggestions:

  1. Red Wine: Opt for a full-bodied red wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot to complement the rich, smoky flavors of the filet mignon.
  2. Roasted Vegetables: Serve the smoked filet mignon alongside a medley of roasted vegetables like asparagus, brussels sprouts, or carrots for a balanced and colorful plate.
  3. Compound Butter: Offer a variety of compound butters, such as garlic herb or truffle butter, to add an indulgent touch to the smoked filet mignon.
How Long to Smoke Filet Mignon at 350: Mastering the Perfect Cook


Frequently Asked Questions For How Long To Smoke Filet Mignon At 350

How Long Should I Smoke Filet Mignon At 350 Degrees?

You should smoke filet mignon at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes to achieve a medium-rare doneness. Ensure the internal temperature reaches 130-135°F. Let the meat rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing to allow the juices to redistribute, resulting in a tender and flavorful steak.

What Wood Chips Are Best For Smoking Filet Mignon?

For smoking filet mignon, use mild wood chips like cherry, apple, or pecan to complement the delicate flavor of the steak. These woods provide a subtly sweet and fruity undertone without overwhelming the natural taste of the filet mignon, enhancing the overall smoking experience.

Should I Marinate Filet Mignon Before Smoking?

It’s not necessary to marinate filet mignon before smoking, as the steak’s natural tenderness and flavor are best showcased with simple seasoning. However, you can apply a light olive oil coating and a sprinkle of salt and pepper to enhance the steak’s crust and add a touch of seasoning.


In sum, smoking filet mignon at 350 degrees requires attention to detail. The flavor of the meat is greatly enhanced, making the cooking process worth it. Keep in mind the temperature and cooking time for a perfectly smoked filet mignon.

Enjoy the delicious results of this delectable cooking method.

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