How Long to Smoke Corn on the Cob at 350: Ultimate Guide

To smoke corn on the cob at 350 degrees, it takes approximately 30-45 minutes. This method enhances the natural sweetness and adds a smoky flavor to the corn.

Smoking corn on the cob at 350 degrees is a delightful way to enjoy this summer staple. The sweet and juicy kernels take on a delightful smoky flavor, making it a perfect addition to any barbecue or cookout. Whether you’re a seasoned griller or just getting started with smoking, this simple and delicious method can elevate your corn on the cob to a whole new level.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about smoking corn on the cob at 350 degrees, from preparing the corn to adding the perfect seasoning and achieving that irresistible smoky flavor. So, grab your apron and let’s get smoking!

Prep For Smoking

For smoking corn on the cob at 350 degrees, it typically takes about 30-45 minutes. Be sure to prepare the corn by removing the silks and soaking it in water before smoking it over indirect heat. This will result in perfectly smoky and delicious corn on the cob.

Choosing Fresh Corn

When selecting corn for smoking, opt for fresh, sweet corn that has bright green husks and plump kernels. Avoid corn with dry or brownish husks and kernels that appear shriveled.

Removing Husks And Silk

To prepare the corn for smoking, start by peeling back the husks without removing them entirely. Next, remove the silk from the cob. Re-wrap the husks around the corn and secure the ends with kitchen twine to keep the husks in place during the smoking process.

Soaking Corn

Before smoking, soak the husked cobs in cold water for about 30 minutes. This step helps to prevent the corn from drying out during the smoking process, resulting in juicy and tender corn on the cob.

Seasoning And Flavoring

When smoking corn on the cob at 350 degrees, the flavor comes primarily from the seasoning and flavoring that you add. This is where you have the opportunity to get creative and enhance the natural sweetness of the corn with a variety of delicious combinations. Whether you prefer a classic butter and herb blend or a more assertive spice rub, the right seasoning can elevate your smoked corn to a whole new level.

Butter And Herb Blend

A classic butter and herb blend is a simple yet effective way to enhance the flavor of smoked corn on the cob. By mixing softened butter with fresh or dried herbs, such as thyme, rosemary, and parsley, you can create a rich and aromatic spread that coats each kernel with irresistible taste. Consider adding a hint of garlic or a squeeze of lemon juice to further elevate the flavor profile.

Spice Rubs And Seasonings

For those seeking a bolder flavor, spice rubs and seasonings offer a world of possibilities. Create your own signature blend using paprika, cumin, coriander, and cayenne pepper for a southwestern kick, or opt for a pre-made seasoning like cajun or barbecue rub for a convenient flavor infusion. Remember to generously coat the corn with the chosen rub to ensure each bite is bursting with flavor.

Smoking Process

When smoking corn on the cob at 350 degrees, it’s important to follow a precise smoking process to achieve mouthwatering, smoky flavors. The smoking process involves preparing the smoker, placing the corn on the rack, and maintaining the ideal temperature for the perfect smoking time. Let’s delve into each step to master the art of smoking corn on the cob.

Preparing The Smoker

Before you start smoking the corn, it’s crucial to prepare the smoker to ensure the best possible results. Follow these essential steps:

  1. Clean the smoker thoroughly to remove any residue from previous use.
  2. Fill the wood chip box with your preferred type of smoking wood, such as hickory or apple wood, to infuse the corn with delightful aromas.
  3. Preheat the smoker to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring a consistent and stable temperature throughout the smoking process.

Placing The Corn On The Rack

Now that the smoker is ready, it’s time to place the corn on the rack for the smoking process. Follow these steps for optimal results:

  • Remove the husks and silk from the corn, and then brush each ear with a thin layer of olive oil to help lock in moisture during the smoking process.
  • Arrange the prepared corn directly on the smoker racks, making sure they are evenly spaced to allow proper airflow and smoke distribution.

Ideal Temperature And Smoking Time

To achieve perfectly smoked corn on the cob, it’s essential to maintain the ideal temperature and smoking time. Follow these guidelines:

Temperature: Maintain the smoker at 350 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the smoking process to ensure thorough cooking and infusion of smoky flavors.
Smoking Time: Smoke the corn for approximately 30-40 minutes, or until the kernels are tender and infused with a rich, smoky flavor.
How Long to Smoke Corn on the Cob at 350: Ultimate Guide


Checking For Doneness

When smoking corn on the cob at 350 degrees, checking for doneness is a critical step to ensure that your corn is perfectly cooked and ready to be enjoyed. Here are a few methods to determine if the corn is done to perfection.

Visual Signs

One of the most effective ways to check for the doneness of smoked corn on the cob is to look for visual signs. The corn kernels should appear tender and plump. The husks may also start to char slightly, indicating that the corn is ready to be taken off the grill. Additionally, the color of the corn husks will darken as the corn cooks, which is a good visual indicator of the progress.

Internal Temperature

Using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the corn is another reliable method. When the internal temperature reaches around 180-190 degrees Fahrenheit (82-88 degrees Celsius), the corn is likely done and ready to come off the smoker. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the cob without touching the husk for an accurate reading.

Serving And Enjoying

Serving and enjoying the perfectly smoked corn on the cob is perhaps the most anticipated part of the entire process. The aroma of the smoky corn, combined with the anticipation of the delicious flavors, sets the stage for a delightful dining experience. Let’s explore the best practices for serving and savoring the succulent smoked corn on the cob.

Letting The Corn Rest

Before delving into serving and enjoying, it’s important to let the smoked corn rest for a few minutes. This allows the flavors to settle and the moisture to distribute evenly, ensuring a tender and juicy bite with every taste. Simply placing the corn on a platter or serving dish and covering it with a clean kitchen towel will suffice. This short resting period truly enhances the overall eating experience.

Serving Suggestions And Accompaniments

When it’s time to serve the smoked corn on the cob, consider offering an assortment of toppings and accompaniments to elevate the flavors and provide a customizable dining experience for everyone. Here are some popular serving suggestions and accompaniments to consider:

  • Butter: Provide a selection of flavored butters, such as herb-infused, honey, or chili-lime, for guests to spread on their corn.
  • Seasonings: Offer a variety of seasonings, including sea salt, smoked paprika, or cajun spices, for guests to sprinkle over their corn.
  • Cheese: Serve grated parmesan, cotija, or feta cheese for guests to sprinkle over their corn for a savory kick.
  • Herbs: Freshly chopped cilantro, parsley, or chives can add a touch of freshness and vibrancy to the smoked corn.

By providing these accompaniments, you allow your guests to tailor their corn to their individual taste preferences, ensuring a memorable dining experience for all. Once the toppings are in place, it’s time to dive in and savor the delectable flavors of the perfectly smoked corn on the cob.

Frequently Asked Questions On How Long To Smoke Corn On The Cob At 350

How Long Does It Take To Smoke Corn On The Cob At 350?

To smoke corn on the cob at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, it usually takes around 30-40 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cobs and your desired level of tenderness. Keep an eye on them and rotate occasionally for even cooking.

What Are The Key Tips For Smoking Corn On The Cob?

For best results, soak the corn in water before smoking, add flavored butter or seasoning for extra taste, and use a smoker temperature of 350°F. Remember to turn the corn occasionally to ensure even smoking and add wood chips for a smoky flavor.

Can I Smoke Frozen Corn On The Cob?

Yes, you can smoke frozen corn on the cob, but it may take longer than fresh corn. Thaw the corn before smoking and adjust the smoking time as needed. Monitor the corn’s tenderness and adjust cooking time accordingly.


Smoking corn on the cob at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes delivers a deliciously smoky flavor. The high heat will caramelize the natural sugars in the corn, resulting in a crisp, juicy, and flavorful dish. This classic summer favorite is the perfect addition to any barbecue or cookout.


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