How Long to Smoke Corn on the Cob at 250

How Long to Smoke Corn on the Cob at 250 : Mastering the Perfect Grill Time

You should smoke corn on the cob at 250°F for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. This will ensure the corn is tender and has a nice smoky flavor.

Smoking corn on the cob is a delicious way to enjoy this summer staple. The slow process allows the natural sweetness of the corn to shine through, while infusing it with a distinct smoky aroma. Whether you’re hosting a barbecue or simply craving some grilled vegetables, smoked corn on the cob is a tasty addition to any menu.

In this guide, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of smoking corn on the cob at 250°F, including seasoning options and serving suggestions. Whether you’re a seasoned pitmaster or a newbie to smoking, you’ll soon be able to impress your friends and family with this mouthwatering dish.

Preparing The Corn For Smoking

To prepare the corn for smoking, start by soaking the cobs in water for about an hour. After soaking, pat the cobs dry and then rub them with oil and seasonings. For smoking at 250, the corn on the cob will need to smoke for about 30-40 minutes until it is tender and has a smoky flavor.

Selecting Fresh Corn

When selecting fresh corn for smoking, make sure the husks are bright green and slightly damp. The kernels should be plump and evenly spaced. Avoid corn with dry or brown silks.

Shucking And Cleaning The Corn

To prepare the corn for smoking, start by removing the husks and silks. Gently peel back the husks and remove the silks. Rinse the corn under cold water to remove any remaining silk strands.

Seasoning Options For The Corn

When it comes to seasoning the corn for smoking, there are numerous options to enhance the flavor. You can choose to simply brush the corn with melted butter and sprinkle with salt, or get creative with various seasonings such as garlic powder, paprika, or cayenne pepper.

Setting Up The Grill For Smoking

When it comes to smoking corn on the cob, setting up the grill properly is essential to achieving that delicious smoky flavor. This process involves selecting the right wood for smoking, preparing the grill for indirect smoking, and ensuring a consistent temperature of 250 degrees. Let’s dive into the details of setting up the grill for smoking corn on the cob at 250 degrees.

Choosing The Right Wood For Smoking

Selecting the appropriate wood for smoking plays a crucial role in determining the flavor profile of the corn on the cob. When smoking corn, mild woods such as apple, cherry, or alder complement the sweet and delicate flavors of the corn without overpowering them. These woods impart a subtle smokiness that enhances the natural taste of the corn.

Preparing The Grill For Indirect Smoking

Indirect smoking is the preferred method for smoking corn on the cob, as it allows for more even cooking and infuses the corn with smoky goodness. Start by arranging the charcoal or wood pellets on one side of the grill to create a two-zone setup. Position a drip pan filled with water on the other side to maintain moisture and prevent the corn from drying out during the smoking process.

Ensure that the grill grate is clean and well-oiled, as this will prevent the corn from sticking while also adding a hint of flavor. Place the corn directly on the grill grate over the side without the heat source to begin the smoking process.

Adjusting The Temperature To 250 Degrees

To achieve optimal results when smoking corn on the cob, it’s crucial to maintain a steady temperature of 250 degrees within the grill. Use a quality thermometer to monitor the internal temperature and adjust the vents as needed to regulate the airflow and maintain the desired heat level.

Additionally, periodically replenish the charcoal or wood pellets to sustain the heat and smoke production throughout the smoking duration.

Smoking The Corn On The Cob

When smoking corn on the cob, it’s essential to pay attention to the process for the best results. With the right technique and timing, you can achieve a delicious smoky flavor that will elevate this classic summer side dish to a whole new level. Here’s how to smoke corn on the cob at 250 degrees, ensuring that each kernel is infused with delectable smoky goodness.

Placing The Corn On The Grill

Start by preparing your grill for indirect heat, setting it to a temperature of 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Arrange the corn on the grill grates, ensuring that there is enough space between each cob for the smoke to circulate evenly. For added flavor, consider brushing the corn with a light coat of oil before placing it on the grill.

Monitoring The Smoke And Heat Levels

Throughout the smoking process, it’s crucial to keep an eye on both the smoke and heat levels. The ideal smoking environment is one that produces a steady stream of light smoke and maintains a consistent temperature of 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Adjust the vents or dampers as needed to regulate the airflow and maintain optimal smoking conditions.

Timing And Rotating The Corn For Even Smoking

Smoke the corn for approximately 30 to 45 minutes, rotating the cobs periodically to ensure even exposure to the smoky flavor. Timing is crucial, so keep a close watch on the corn to prevent it from becoming overdone. When the corn reaches a tender and slightly charred state, it’s ready to be removed from the grill and enjoyed.

How Long to Smoke Corn on the Cob at 250  : Mastering the Perfect Grill Time


Checking For Doneness

Visual Cues For Smoked Corn Readiness

When smoking corn on the cob at 250°F, it’s important to know when it’s ready to be taken off the smoker. Visual cues play a crucial role in determining the doneness of the corn.

  • Color: The corn should take on a slightly golden brown hue, indicating that it has absorbed the smoky flavor and is cooked through.
  • Texture: The kernels should appear plump and juicy, signaling that the corn is cooked to perfection.

Testing For Tenderness And Flavor Infusion

Aside from visual cues, it’s essential to check for tenderness and flavor infusion to ensure the smoked corn is ready to be enjoyed.

  1. Poke test: Insert a fork into the thickest part of the corn. It should glide through with minimal resistance, indicating that the corn is tender.
  2. Taste test: Take a bite of the smoked corn to assess the level of smoky flavor infusion. The corn should have a delightful smokiness without being overpowering.

Avoiding Over-smoking The Corn

While the smoking process imparts delicious flavors, over-smoking can lead to dry and unpleasant corn. It’s important to be mindful of the smoking duration to ensure optimal results.

Time management: Keep a close eye on the corn to prevent over-smoking. Utilize a timer to track the smoking duration and remove the corn once it reaches the desired doneness.

“` This HTML content is tailored to provide a comprehensive guide on checking for the doneness of smoked corn on the cob at 250°F. It includes visually appealing cues for readiness, testing for tenderness and flavor infusion, and tips to avoid over-smoking. The use of bold text enhances the emphasis on key points, allowing readers to quickly grasp the essential information. Additionally, the active voice and concise, actionable content contribute to its SEO-friendly nature.

Serving And Enjoying Smoked Corn On The Cob

Serving and enjoying smoked corn on the cob is a delightful experience that elevates the naturally sweet flavor of the corn with a smoky, charred essence. Whether you’re hosting a backyard BBQ or simply looking to add a special touch to your family dinner, smoked corn on the cob is a crowd-pleaser. To make the most of this delectable dish, consider the following garnishing and flavoring options, pairing ideas with other dishes, and tips for leftovers and storage.

Garnishing And Flavoring Options

When serving your smoked corn on the cob, consider enhancing the flavors with a variety of garnishing and flavoring options. Some popular choices include:

  • Butter and Herb Mix: Create a savory butter and herb mix with garlic, thyme, and a hint of lemon zest. This adds a burst of freshness to your smoked corn.
  • Spicy Chipotle Lime Butter: For a zesty kick, combine softened butter with chipotle peppers in adobo sauce and a splash of lime juice. This adds a bold and smoky flavor to the corn.
  • BBQ Rub and Parmesan: Sprinkle your smoked corn with a BBQ rub and grated parmesan cheese for a flavorful and slightly tangy twist.
  • Fresh Herbs and Feta: Sprinkle freshly chopped herbs, such as parsley or cilantro, and crumbled feta cheese over the corn for a burst of freshness and saltiness.

Pairing Smoked Corn With Other Dishes

Smoked corn on the cob pairs beautifully with a range of other dishes, creating a well-rounded and flavorful meal. Consider serving it alongside the following options:

  • Grilled BBQ Chicken: The smokiness of the corn complements the bold flavors of grilled BBQ chicken, creating a balanced and satisfying meal.
  • Fresh Garden Salad: The sweetness of the smoked corn pairs well with the crisp and refreshing flavors of a garden salad, providing a delightful contrast of textures.
  • Cilantro-Lime Rice: The subtle smokiness of the corn pairs beautifully with the fragrant and zesty flavors of cilantro-lime rice, creating a harmonious combination.
  • Buttered Lobster Tail: For a luxurious meal, consider pairing smoked corn with buttered lobster tail, allowing the sweet and smoky flavors to shine alongside the rich, buttery lobster.

Tips For Leftovers And Storage

When dealing with leftovers from your smoked corn on the cob, it’s important to handle them properly to maintain their freshness and flavor. Consider the following tips for storage:

  1. Refrigeration: Place any leftover smoked corn in an airtight container and refrigerate it promptly to ensure it stays fresh for up to 3-4 days.
  2. Reheating: If you have leftover smoked corn, consider incorporating it into other dishes like salads, salsas, or even fritters. Alternatively, reheat it on the grill for a few minutes to restore its smoky flavor and charred essence.
  3. Freezing: If you have a surplus of smoked corn, it can be frozen for up to 6 months. Wrap the corn tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil before placing it in a freezer-safe container.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How Long To Smoke Corn On The Cob At 250

How Long Does It Take To Smoke Corn On The Cob At 250 Degrees?

Typically, it takes around 1. 5 to 2 hours to smoke corn on the cob at 250 degrees. However, the timing may vary based on the size of the corn and other factors.

What Wood Chips Are Best For Smoking Corn On The Cob?

Use mild-flavored wood chips like cherry, apple, or pecan for smoking corn on the cob. These wood chips impart a delicate smoky flavor without overpowering the natural sweetness of the corn.

Should I Soak The Corn Before Smoking It?

Yes, soaking the corn in water for about 30 minutes before smoking it helps to retain moisture and prevent it from drying out during the smoking process. This also enhances the tenderness of the corn.


Smoking corn on the cob at 250 degrees is a simple and flavorful way to elevate this classic dish. By following the proper steps and techniques, you can achieve perfectly smoked corn that is both tender and full of smoky goodness.

Whether you enjoy it on its own or as a side dish, smoking corn on the cob is a delicious way to savor the flavors of summer.

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