How Long to Smoke Chicken Tenderloins at 225

How Long to Smoke Chicken Tenderloins at 225: Ultimate Guide

Smoke chicken tenderloins at 225°F for 1.5-2 hours until they reach an internal temperature of 165°F. Smoking chicken tenderloins at 225°F is a great way to infuse them with delicious flavor while keeping them tender and juicy.

Whether you’re using a smoker or a grill, the low and slow cooking method allows the chicken to absorb the smoky aroma and develop a mouthwatering taste. We’ll explore the process of smoking chicken tenderloins at 225°F, from preparing the meat to adding flavorful wood chips, and offer tips for achieving perfect results every time.

Additionally, we’ll discuss different seasoning and marinade options to elevate the flavor profile of your smoked chicken tenderloins. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to impress your friends and family with irresistibly smoky and flavorful chicken tenderloins.

Preparing The Chicken Tenderloins

Before you start smoking chicken tenderloins at 225°F, it’s important to properly prepare the meat to ensure maximum flavor and juiciness. This involves methods such as thawing the chicken tenderloins and thoughtfully seasoning them.

Thawing The Chicken Tenderloins

When thawing chicken tenderloins, it’s crucial to follow safe food handling practices to prevent the risk of bacterial growth. Here’s the recommended method:

  1. Place the frozen chicken tenderloins in a leak-proof plastic bag or airtight container to prevent potential cross-contamination in the refrigerator.
  2. Allow the tenderloins to thaw in the refrigerator for approximately 24 hours, ensuring they remain at a safe and consistent temperature throughout the process.
  3. Once thawed, the chicken should be promptly used to maintain quality and safety.

Seasoning The Chicken Tenderloins

Properly seasoning the chicken tenderloins is essential to infuse them with delicious flavor before smoking. Consider the following steps to achieve optimal seasoning:

  • Generously coat the tenderloins with your preferred dry rub or marinade, ensuring the seasoning thoroughly covers the surface of the meat.
  • Allow the seasoned chicken to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.
  • For a personalized touch, experiment with different spices and herbs to create a unique flavor profile that complements the natural taste of the chicken.
How Long to Smoke Chicken Tenderloins at 225: Ultimate Guide


Setting Up The Smoker

Before you can start smoking your chicken tenderloins, it’s essential to properly set up your smoker. This involves preparing the smoker, adding wood chips or chunks, and preheating the smoker to 225 degrees. Let’s dive into the details.

Preparing The Smoker

First, ensure your smoker is clean and in good working condition. Remove any old ash or debris from the previous use. Check the fuel and ensure you have enough for the duration of the smoking process. Make sure the smoker vents are open to allow for proper airflow.

Adding Wood Chips Or Chunks

Select high-quality wood chips or chunks for smoking. Soak wood chips in water for at least 30 minutes before using them. Drain the excess water before adding them to the smoker. If using wood chunks, they can be added directly to the smoker without soaking.

Preheating The Smoker To 225 Degrees

After adding the wood chips or chunks, close the smoker and preheat it to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Allow the smoker to reach the desired temperature before adding the chicken tenderloins. Use a reliable thermometer to monitor the internal temperature of the smoker throughout the smoking process.

Smoking The Chicken Tenderloins

Smoking chicken tenderloins is a delightful way to infuse mouthwatering flavors while keeping the meat tender and juicy. Achieving the perfect tenderness and taste requires careful attention to various factors such as placement in the smoker, temperature monitoring, and the addition of wood chips.

Placing The Chicken Tenderloins In The Smoker

When smoking chicken tenderloins at 225 degrees, it’s essential to place them on the grates of the smoker with adequate space between each piece. This allows for even smoke distribution and ensures that each tenderloin is infused with the rich, smoky flavor. A well-spaced arrangement also promotes consistent cooking, preventing overcrowding that can lead to uneven doneness.

Monitoring The Temperature

Keeping a close eye on the temperature inside the smoker is crucial for achieving perfectly smoked chicken tenderloins. Maintain a steady temperature of 225 degrees throughout the smoking process to ensure thorough cooking without drying out the meat. Using a reliable meat thermometer, check the internal temperature of the tenderloins at regular intervals to guarantee they reach the desired level of doneness.

Adding Additional Wood Chips

To maintain a consistent level of smokiness, periodically add wood chips to the smoker. Keep an eye on the color of the smoke – it should be a light blue hue, indicating clean combustion and optimal flavor infusion. If the smoke becomes thin or dissipates, it’s time to add more wood chips to sustain the delicious smoky essence that defines expertly smoked chicken tenderloins.

Checking For Doneness

After smoking your chicken tenderloins at 225 degrees, it’s crucial to ensure they are cooked to perfection. Properly cooked chicken should have an internal temperature of 165°F, which guarantees both safety and succulence. Here’s how to check for doneness:

Using A Meat Thermometer

One of the most reliable methods to check if your smoked chicken tenderloins are done is by using a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the chicken without touching the bone. Once the temperature reaches 165°F, the chicken is ready to be taken off the smoker.

Ensuring The Chicken Is Fully Cooked

Besides the temperature, there are other visual cues to ensure the chicken is fully cooked. The color of the meat should be white with no traces of pink, and the juices should run clear when you pierce the chicken with a fork. Additionally, the meat should be firm to the touch and easily separate from the bone.

Serving The Smoked Chicken Tenderloins

After smoking the chicken tenderloins at 225°F, it’s essential to pay attention to the serving process. Here’s how you can ensure the tenderloins are juicy, flavorful, and ready to be enjoyed.

Letting The Chicken Rest

Allowing the smoked chicken tenderloins to rest is crucial for locking in moisture and ensuring maximum tenderness. When the internal temperature reaches 165°F, remove the tenderloins from the smoker and let them rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing. This short resting period allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more succulent and evenly flavored meat.

Slicing And Serving The Tenderloins

Once the smoked chicken tenderloins have rested, it’s time to slice and serve them to your eager guests. Follow these simple steps to present the tenderloins in the most appetizing way:

  1. Using a sharp knife, slice the tenderloins against the grain into uniform, appetizing portions.
  2. Arrange the slices on a platter or individual serving plates, ensuring an attractive presentation.
  3. Garnish the smoked chicken tenderloins with fresh herbs or a drizzle of your favorite sauce, adding a finishing touch to elevate the visual appeal and flavor.

Frequently Asked Questions On How Long To Smoke Chicken Tenderloins At 225

How Long Should I Smoke Chicken Tenderloins At 225 Degrees?

To achieve tender, smoky chicken, smoke tenderloins for approximately 2-3 hours at 225°F. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 165°F for safe consumption.

What Type Of Wood Is Best For Smoking Chicken Tenderloins?

Fruit woods like apple or cherry impart a sweet, mild flavor that complements chicken tenderloins perfectly. Avoid strong woods like hickory or mesquite, as they can be overpowering.

Should I Brine Chicken Tenderloins Before Smoking?

Yes, brining chicken tenderloins before smoking can help to add flavor and moisture to the meat. Use a simple brine of water, salt, sugar, and any desired spices for best results.


Achieving perfectly smoked chicken tenderloins at 225°F requires time and patience. With the right seasonings, wood chips, and cooking techniques, you can enjoy juicy and flavorful results. Remember to monitor the internal temperature and rest the chicken before serving for the best experience.

Experiment with different flavors and find the perfect combination for your taste buds. Happy smoking!

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