How Long to Smoke a 12 Lb Turkey at 350

How Long to Smoke a 12 Lb Turkey at 350 : Expert Tips for Perfect Smoked Turkey

To smoke a 12 lb turkey at 350°F, it typically takes about 3-4 hours until the internal temperature reaches 165°F. This method of cooking results in a juicy and flavorful turkey with a crispy skin.

When preparing to smoke a 12 lb turkey at 350°F, it’s important to first brine the turkey for added moisture and flavor. Next, apply a dry rub or marinade of your choice, ensuring that it’s well seasoned. After preparing the smoker, place the turkey on the grill and maintain a consistent temperature.

Regularly check the internal temperature using a meat thermometer, and baste the turkey with a flavorful liquid, such as broth or butter, to keep it moist. Once the turkey reaches 165°F, remove it from the smoker and let it rest before carving. Enjoy your delicious smoked turkey with your favorite sides for a memorable meal.

Choosing The Right Wood Chips

When it comes to smoking a 12 lb turkey at 350 degrees, choosing the right wood chips is crucial to achieving that delicious smoky flavor. The type of wood you use can significantly impact the taste of your turkey, so it’s essential to select the best wood chips for smoking.

Types Of Wood For Smoking

There are several types of wood that are commonly used for smoking, each imparting a unique flavor to the meat. Here are some popular options:

  • Hickory
  • Apple
  • Cherry
  • Maple
  • Pecan

Best Wood Chips For Turkey

When smoking a 12 lb turkey at 350 degrees, it’s important to choose wood chips that complement the poultry’s rich flavor. The best wood chips for smoking a turkey include:

  1. Applewood: Adds a sweet and fruity flavor that pairs well with turkey.
  2. Maple: Offers a mild, slightly sweet flavor that enhances the taste of the meat.
  3. Pecan: Imparts a nutty and slightly sweet flavor, perfect for smoked turkey.

Preparing The Turkey For Smoking

Before smoking a 12 lb turkey at 350°F, it’s essential to properly prepare the turkey for the best results. This includes brining and seasoning the turkey, as well as trussing it to ensure even cooking and a moist, flavorful outcome.

Brining And Seasoning The Turkey

Brining the turkey is a vital step in ensuring it remains moist and flavorful throughout the smoking process. Prepare a brine solution consisting of water, salt, and any additional desired seasonings. Submerge the turkey in the brine and refrigerate for the recommended amount of time based on its weight. This allows the turkey to absorb the flavors and moisture, resulting in a juicy and succulent meat.

Trussing The Turkey

Trussing the turkey is an important technique to ensure even cooking and a beautiful presentation. Start by tucking the wings underneath the body and tying the legs together with kitchen twine. This helps the turkey maintain its shape and prevents the meat from drying out during the smoking process.

Setting Up The Smoker For 350 Degrees

When cooking a 12 lb turkey, maintaining the right temperature in your smoker is crucial for achieving that perfect smoky flavor and juicy, tender meat. When setting up your smoker for a temperature of 350 degrees, it’s important to follow a few key steps to ensure the best results. Preheating the smoker, and creating the ideal smoking environment are essential components to focus on. Let’s take a closer look at each step.

Preheating The Smoker

Preheating the smoker is the first and most important step in setting up for a 350-degree cook. This ensures that the smoker reaches and maintains the desired temperature throughout the cooking process. Here’s a basic guide for preheating your smoker:

  1. Begin by cleaning the smoker grates and removing any leftover ash from previous cooks. A clean smoker will help maintain even heat distribution.
  2. After cleaning, add your choice of smoking wood chips or chunks to the smoker box. Hickory or applewood are popular choices for adding rich flavor to turkey.
  3. Light the smoker and set the temperature to 350 degrees. Allow the smoker to preheat for at least 15-20 minutes before adding the turkey.

Creating The Ideal Smoking Environment

Once your smoker is preheated to 350 degrees, it’s time to focus on creating the ideal smoking environment for your turkey. Here are a few tips to ensure the perfect smoking conditions:

  • Maintain consistent heat: Monitor the smoker’s temperature throughout the cooking process, making adjustments as needed to keep it as close to 350 degrees as possible.
  • Use a water pan: Place a water pan in the smoker to help regulate temperature and add moisture to the cooking environment, preventing the turkey from drying out.
  • Position the turkey: Carefully place the seasoned turkey on the smoker grates, ensuring that there is enough space around it for smoke and heat to circulate evenly.

By preheating the smoker and creating the ideal smoking environment, you’ll be well on your way to smoking a delicious 12 lb turkey at 350 degrees, delivering mouthwatering results that will impress your guests.

Smoking The Turkey To Perfection

Smoking a 12 lb turkey at 350 degrees is a great way to infuse it with delicious, smoky flavors. Achieving the perfect balance of juiciness and tenderness while ensuring it’s safe to eat requires attention to detail. Here, we’ll explore the estimated smoking time for a 12 lb turkey and how to use a meat thermometer to gauge doneness, ensuring your Thanksgiving centerpiece is nothing short of perfection.

Estimated Smoking Time For A 12 Lb Turkey

When smoking a 12 lb turkey at 350 degrees, the estimated smoking time is approximately 3 to 4 hours. However, it’s essential to monitor the internal temperature to ensure it reaches the recommended safe minimum temperature of 165°F (74°C). While the estimated smoking time provides a guideline, using a meat thermometer is crucial for determining when the turkey is perfectly cooked.

Using A Meat Thermometer To Gauge Doneness

Utilizing a meat thermometer is the most reliable method to gauge the doneness of a smoked turkey. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the turkey, avoiding contact with bone or the cooking grate. Once the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C), the turkey is safe to consume. Different parts of the turkey may reach the desired temperature at different times, so ensure you check the temperature in multiple locations, such as the thigh and the thickest part of the breast, to guarantee even cooking.

Resting And Serving The Smoked Turkey

Resting and serving the smoked turkey are crucial steps to ensure that you serve a perfectly juicy and flavorful turkey. Allowing the turkey to rest and then carving it properly will enhance the taste and appearance of your smoked masterpiece. Here’s how to do it right.

Allowing The Turkey To Rest

When the smoked turkey is ready, resist the temptation to carve it immediately. Allow the turkey to rest for at least 20 to 30 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. This resting period will ensure that the turkey is moist and tender when it’s time to carve and serve it.

Perfectly Carving And Serving The Smoked Turkey

Properly carving and serving the smoked turkey will showcase your culinary skills and impress your guests. Follow these steps for a flawless presentation:

  1. Start by removing the twine or any trussing from the turkey.
  2. Place the turkey on a clean cutting board and loosely cover it with foil to keep it warm.
  3. Using a sharp carving knife, carefully carve the turkey, starting with the breast meat, followed by the thighs and wings.
  4. Slice the meat against the grain for optimal tenderness and texture.
How Long to Smoke a 12 Lb Turkey at 350  : Expert Tips for Perfect Smoked Turkey


Frequently Asked Questions For How Long To Smoke A 12 Lb Turkey At 350

How Long Should I Smoke A 12 Lb Turkey At 350?

You should smoke a 12 lb turkey at 350 for approximately 3 to 4 hours. Use a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F for safe consumption. Cooking times may vary based on your specific smoker and weather conditions.

What Are The Best Wood Chips For Smoking A Turkey?

For smoking a turkey, consider using fruit woods such as apple or cherry for a sweet flavor, or hickory for a stronger, smokier taste. These woods complement the turkey’s flavor without overpowering it and produce a delicious, aromatic smoke for your bird.

How Can I Keep My Smoked Turkey Moist And Flavorful?

To keep your smoked turkey moist and flavorful, brine it before smoking to infuse it with moisture and seasoning. Additionally, consider basting the turkey with butter or a flavorful liquid throughout the smoking process. Ensure not to overcook the turkey, as this can result in dryness.

Should I Spatchcock My Turkey Before Smoking?

Spatchcocking, or removing the backbone and flattening the turkey, can help it cook more evenly and in less time. This method also increases smoky flavor absorption and produces a beautifully browned, crispy skin. However, it’s not necessary for a delicious smoked turkey, so it’s ultimately a matter of preference.


Smoking a 12 lb turkey at 350°F will take approximately 3 to 4 hours. It’s important to consistently monitor the internal temperature to ensure doneness. With this information, you can confidently prepare a flavorful and juicy turkey for your next gathering.

Happy smoking!

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