How Long to Smoke Spatchcock Turkey at 350

How Long to Smoke Spatchcock Turkey at 350: Expert Tips & Techniques

To smoke a spatchcock turkey at 350 degrees, it takes approximately 2-2.5 hours. Smoking at this temperature ensures a flavorful and juicy turkey.

Spatchcock turkey is a delicious and unique way to cook a turkey, and smoking it at 350 degrees adds a rich and smoky flavor to the meat. The process involves removing the backbone and flattening the turkey to promote even cooking and quicker preparation.

The result is a perfectly cooked, tender, and moist turkey with a crispy skin. As the turkey is smoked, the natural flavors infuse into the meat, creating a mouthwatering dish that is sure to impress. Understanding the cooking time and temperature for smoking a spatchcock turkey at 350 degrees ensures a delectable and satisfying meal for any occasion.

Understanding The Spatchcock Method

When it comes to smoking a turkey, the spatchcock method has gained popularity for its ability to cook the bird evenly and efficiently. Understanding the spatchcock method is essential for achieving delicious smoked turkey with a tender, juicy texture. In this section, we will delve into the definition, purpose, and benefits of spatchcocking when smoking a turkey at 350°F.

Definition And Purpose Of Spatchcocking

Benefits Of Spatchcocking For Smoking

  • Even Cooking: Spatchcocking ensures that the turkey cooks evenly, reducing the risk of overcooking or undercooking certain areas.
  • Faster Cooking Time: By flattening the turkey, the cooking time is significantly reduced, making it ideal for smoking at 350°F.
  • Enhanced Smoke Penetration: Flattening the turkey allows the smoke to permeate the meat more effectively, infusing it with a rich, smoky flavor.
  • Juicy and Tender Results: The spatchcock method helps the turkey retain its natural juices, resulting in a moist and tender texture.

Preparing The Spatchcock Turkey

When preparing a spatchcock turkey, it’s essential to start with the right size turkey, master the art of spatchcocking, and select the perfect seasoning or marinade. Before you get started, let’s delve into the crucial steps to ensure your spatchcock turkey is a delicious and juicy success.

Selecting The Right Size Turkey

Choosing the right size turkey is fundamental for a good cooking experience. The general rule of thumb is to allocate 1 to 1.5 pounds of turkey per person, depending on whether you want leftovers. Here’s a guide to determine the turkey size to suit your meal:

Number of Guests Ideal Turkey Size (pounds)
4-6 10-15
8-10 16-20
12-14 20-24

Steps For Spatchcocking The Turkey

Spatchcocking is the process of removing the backbone and flattening the turkey to ensure even cooking and a quicker roasting time. Here are the basic steps to spatchcock a turkey:

  1. Place the turkey breast-side down on a flat surface.
  2. Use sturdy kitchen shears to cut along both sides of the backbone and remove it.
  3. Flip the turkey over and press down firmly to flatten it.

Seasoning And Marinating Options

Bold flavors can elevate the taste of your spatchcock turkey. Whether you prefer a dry rub or a marinade, ensure the turkey is well seasoned. Here are a few seasoning and marinating options to consider:

  • Dry Rub: A mixture of salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and herbs.
  • Citrus Marinade: A blend of orange juice, lemon zest, garlic, and herbs for a zesty flavor.
  • Herb Butter: A combination of softened butter, fresh herbs, garlic, and lemon juice for a rich and aromatic taste.

Smoking Process At 350 Degrees

Smoking a spatchcock turkey at 350 degrees adds a delightful smoky flavor while ensuring juicy, tender meat. The high heat helps to achieve a crisp and golden skin, sealing in the natural juices of the turkey. To master this smoking process, attention to detail is crucial. This includes setting up the smoker for optimal results, selecting the best wood chips for flavor, and vigilantly monitoring and maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the smoking duration.

Setting Up The Smoker For Optimal Results

Before diving into smoking your spatchcock turkey at 350 degrees, ensure that your smoker is properly set up for optimal results. This includes cleaning the interior, checking the fuel supply, and ensuring proper ventilation for consistent airflow.

Best Wood Chips For Adding Flavor

Choosing the right wood chips is essential in enhancing the flavor profile of the turkey. For a spatchcock turkey smoked at 350 degrees, bold wood flavors like hickory or mesquite work exceptionally well. These wood chips infuse the meat with a robust smokiness and complement the turkey’s natural flavors.

Monitoring And Maintaining Consistent Temperature

When smoking at 350 degrees, maintaining a steady temperature is vital for ensuring even cooking and optimum flavor infusion. Ensure that the smoker’s temperature gauge is accurate and consistently monitor the heat levels throughout the smoking process. Adjust the vents and fuel supply as needed to uphold the desired temperature.

How Long to Smoke Spatchcock Turkey at 350: Expert Tips & Techniques


How Long To Smoke

When smoking a spatchcock turkey at 350°F, it’s crucial to know how long to smoke it to achieve a succulent, flavorful result. The smoking time can vary based on the weight of the turkey, and using a meat thermometer is essential for accuracy. Additionally, following specific tips can help you achieve the perfect texture and flavor, ensuring your smoked spatchcock turkey is a hit at any gathering.

Calculating Smoking Time Based On Turkey Weight

When determining how long to smoke a spatchcock turkey at 350°F, the weight of the bird is a key factor. Use the following table as a guide for estimating smoking time based on the weight of the turkey:

Turkey Weight Estimated Smoking Time
10-14 lbs 2.5-3.5 hours
14-18 lbs 3.5-4.5 hours
18-22 lbs 4.5-5.5 hours

Using A Meat Thermometer For Accuracy

While estimated smoking times are helpful, the most accurate way to determine when the spatchcock turkey is done is by using a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the turkey without touching the bone. The internal temperature should reach 165°F for safe consumption.

Tips For Achieving The Perfect Texture And Flavor

  • Brine the turkey beforehand to enhance moisture and flavor.
  • Use fruitwood chips for a sweet, smoky flavor profile.
  • Baste the turkey with a flavorful liquid, such as apple cider or a herb-infused butter, throughout the smoking process.
  • Let the turkey rest for 15-20 minutes after smoking to allow the juices to redistribute, resulting in a juicier bird.

Expert Tips For A Flavorful Outcome

When it comes to smoking a spatchcock turkey at 350 degrees, it’s essential to incorporate expert tips for a flavorful outcome. From basting and adding additional flavors to resting the turkey post-smoking and carving and serving recommendations, these tips will help you achieve a mouthwatering and tender turkey that will impress your guests.

Basting And Adding Additional Flavors

To infuse your spatchcock turkey with maximum flavor, consider basting it with a mixture of butter, herbs, and spices every 30 to 45 minutes during the smoking process. This helps keep the meat moist and adds a depth of flavor. Additionally, creating a flavorful brine or dry rub beforehand can further enhance the taste. Allow the turkey to marinate in the brine or dry rub overnight for the best results.

Resting The Turkey Post-smoking

After smoking, it’s crucial to let the spatchcock turkey rest for at least 20-30 minutes before carving. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and succulent bird. Cover the turkey loosely with aluminum foil to retain its warmth while resting.

Carving And Serving Recommendations

When it comes to carving a spatchcock turkey, start by removing the legs and wings, followed by slicing the breast meat. For optimal serving, arrange the slices on a platter and garnish with fresh herbs for a beautiful presentation. Remember to save the flavorful cooking juices to drizzle over the sliced turkey, adding a final touch of deliciousness to your dish.

Frequently Asked Questions For How Long To Smoke Spatchcock Turkey At 350

What Is The Ideal Temperature For Smoking A Spatchcock Turkey?

The ideal temperature for smoking a spatchcock turkey at 350°F ensures a crispy skin and juicy meat. Cooking the turkey at this temperature allows for even cooking and a delicious result that will please your guests.

How Long Should A Spatchcock Turkey Be Smoked At 350°f?

Spatchcock turkey should be smoked at 350°F for approximately 2. 5 to 3 hours. This method allows for quicker, even cooking, resulting in a succulent and flavorful turkey that will be the star of your holiday dinner.

Why Spatchcock A Turkey Before Smoking?

Spatchcocking a turkey before smoking it allows for more even cooking and reduced cooking time. This technique also ensures that the meat stays tender and juicy. Plus, it provides an excellent surface for seasoning, resulting in a perfectly seasoned turkey.


In an oven set at 350°F, smoking a spatchcock turkey takes approximately 2 to 2. 5 hours. This cooking approach helps the turkey cook evenly and faster, resulting in juicy and flavorful meat. By spatchcocking, you can create a delicious and memorable Thanksgiving meal.

Try this method and enjoy a mouthwatering turkey!

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