How Long to Smoke a Spatchcock Chicken at 350 : Ultimate Guide for Perfect Smoking

A spatchcock chicken should be smoked at 350°F for approximately 60-90 minutes. Smoking a spatchcock chicken at 350°F takes 60-90 minutes, until the internal temperature reaches 165°F.

Looking for a delicious and juicy way to prepare your chicken? Smoking a spatchcock chicken at 350°F is a fantastic option. This method ensures even cooking and a crisp, flavorful skin. By removing the backbone and flattening the chicken, it cooks quicker, making it a popular choice for BBQ enthusiasts.

We will cover everything you need to know about smoking a spatchcock chicken, including the preparation process and the best wood chips to use. Get ready to elevate your BBQ game and impress your guests with a perfectly smoked spatchcock chicken.

Spatchcock Chicken: Preparation And Seasoning

The spatchcock chicken is a popular method of preparing and cooking chicken, especially when it comes to smoking it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The process involves removing the backbone and flattening the chicken to ensure even cooking and delicious results. The preparation and seasoning of the spatchcock chicken are crucial in achieving a mouthwatering outcome. From mastering the spatchcocking technique to choosing the right seasoning and understanding the importance of resting time, every step contributes to a delectable smoked spatchcock chicken.

Spatchcocking Technique

Spatchcocking a chicken involves removing the backbone and flattening the bird to create a more even thickness, resulting in faster and more consistent cooking. To spatchcock a chicken, place the whole chicken breast-side down on a cutting board. Use kitchen shears or a sharp knife to carefully cut along both sides of the backbone, then remove it. Next, flip the chicken over and press down firmly on the breastbone to flatten the chicken.

Seasoning The Chicken

Seasoning the spatchcock chicken is an essential step in adding flavor and depth to the meat. A simple but effective seasoning blend for spatchcock chicken can include salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and paprika. Rub the seasoning mixture generously over the entire surface of the chicken, including under the skin for maximum flavor penetration. Let the seasoned chicken sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes to allow the flavors to permeate the meat.

Importance Of Resting Time

Resting time is crucial for the spatchcock chicken as it allows the flavors to meld and the juices to redistribute, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful end product. After smoking the spatchcock chicken at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, allow it to rest for 10-15 minutes before carving. This resting period ensures that the juices remain in the meat rather than running out onto the cutting board, leading to a more succulent and tender chicken.

Setting Up The Smoker For 350° Cooking

Setting up the smoker for cooking at 350°F is crucial to ensure a perfectly smoked spatchcock chicken with juicy and flavorful results. From choosing the right wood chips to maintaining the ideal temperature, every step is important in achieving BBQ perfection.

Choosing The Right Wood Chips

When it comes to smoking a spatchcock chicken at 350°F, choosing the right wood chips is essential for imparting the perfect smoky flavor. Hickory and applewood are excellent choices that complement poultry, while cherry wood adds a slightly sweet and fruity aroma to the meat.

Preparing The Smoker

  • Clean the smoker thoroughly to remove any leftover residue and ensure optimal performance.
  • Soak the wood chips in water for at least 30 minutes to prevent them from burning too quickly and produce consistent smoke.
  • Arrange the charcoal or wood chunks in the smoker box, ensuring proper airflow for even burning.
  • Place a water pan in the smoker to maintain moisture levels and prevent the chicken from drying out during the smoking process.

Maintaining The Ideal Temperature

To achieve a steady temperature of 350°F in the smoker, it’s important to adjust the vents to regulate the airflow. Keep an eye on the thermometer to make any necessary adjustments, and avoid opening the smoker frequently to maintain the desired cooking temperature.

Smoking Time For A Spatchcock Chicken At 350°

Smoking a spatchcock chicken at 350°F can result in juicy and flavorful meat with a golden-brown, crispy skin. However, the cooking time for this cooking method may vary depending on several factors. It’s important to consider these aspects to ensure that your spatchcock chicken is perfectly cooked.

Factors Affecting Cooking Time

When smoking a spatchcock chicken at 350°F, several factors can influence the cooking time:

  • Size and weight of the chicken
  • Consistency of the smoker’s temperature
  • Presence of other ingredients or stuffing

Monitoring Internal Temperature

It’s crucial to monitor the internal temperature of the chicken when smoking it at 350°F. Here’s a general guideline for the smoking time:

Weight of the Chicken Estimated Smoking Time
4-5 lbs 1 to 1.5 hours
5-6 lbs 1.5 to 2 hours
6-7 lbs 2 to 2.5 hours

Checking For Doneness And Resting The Cooked Chicken

After smoking a spatchcock chicken at 350 degrees, it’s crucial to ensure that the bird is cooked perfectly and to allow it to rest before serving. Properly checking for doneness and allowing the chicken to rest will result in a juicy, well-flavored meat that will surely impress your guests. Here we’ll discuss the visual indicators for doneness and the importance of resting the smoked chicken.

Visual Indicators For Doneness

When checking for doneness, there are a few visual indicators to look out for:

  • Temperature: Use an instant-read thermometer to check the internal temperature of the thickest part of the chicken. It should register at least 165°F (74°C) to ensure that it’s fully cooked.
  • Color: The skin should be golden brown and crispy, and the juices should run clear when the chicken is pierced with a knife. Also, the legs should move easily, indicating that the joints are loosening, another sign that the bird is fully cooked.
  • Smoke ring: If you’re using a smoker, a subtle pink smoke ring around the meat near the bones is a great visual cue for doneness.

Resting The Smoked Chicken

Once the spatchcock chicken is done, it’s essential to let it rest before carving and serving. Resting allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more flavorful and tender meat. Here’s how to properly rest the cooked chicken:

  1. Remove from the heat: Take the chicken off the grill or smoker and transfer it to a cutting board.
  2. Cover loosely: Loosely cover the chicken with aluminum foil to keep it warm and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Carve and serve: After resting, carve the chicken and enjoy the juicy, flavorful results of your efforts!

Serving And Enjoying The Perfectly Smoked Spatchcock Chicken

Serving and enjoying the perfectly smoked spatchcock chicken brings about a delightful culinary experience. Once the chicken is perfectly smoked, it’s time to carve and serve it. Additionally, pairing it with the right sides and sauces can elevate the flavors and create a memorable dining experience. Let’s explore some tips on carving and serving the smoked spatchcock chicken and the best sides and sauces to pair it with.

Carving And Serving Tips

Carving a spatchcock chicken is a straightforward process that ensures each serving is full of flavor and texture. Follow these simple steps to carve and serve the smoked spatchcock chicken:

  1. Place the smoked spatchcock chicken on a cutting board and allow it to rest for a few minutes to retain its juices.
  2. Use a sharp knife to carefully carve the chicken into portions, such as thighs, wings, and breasts.
  3. Arrange the carved chicken on a serving platter, ensuring to display the succulent and smoky aroma.
  4. Garnish with fresh herbs or citrus wedges to add a pop of color and freshness to the presentation.

Pairing With Sides And Sauces

Pairing the smoked spatchcock chicken with the right sides and sauces can enhance its flavors and provide a well-rounded meal experience. Consider these delicious sides and sauces to complement the smoky goodness:

Sides Sauces
Roasted vegetables tossed in olive oil and garlic Homemade barbecue sauce with a hint of tanginess and sweetness
Creamy mashed potatoes with chives and butter Garlic aioli for a creamy and savory dip
Fresh garden salad with a zesty vinaigrette dressing Spicy chipotle mayo for a kick of heat
How Long to Smoke a Spatchcock Chicken at 350  : Ultimate Guide for Perfect Smoking


Frequently Asked Questions For How Long To Smoke A Spatchcock Chicken At 350

How Long Does It Take To Smoke A Spatchcock Chicken At 350°f?

On average, a spatchcock chicken takes about 60-90 minutes to smoke at 350°F. However, factors like the size of the chicken and consistency of the smoker can affect the cooking time. It’s crucial to use a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches a safe internal temperature.

What Is The Recommended Internal Temperature For Smoked Spatchcock Chicken?

The recommended internal temperature for smoked spatchcock chicken is 165°F. It’s important to use a reliable meat thermometer to verify that the chicken has reached the safe internal temperature. This ensures both food safety and a juicy, flavorful result.

What Wood Chips Work Best For Smoking Spatchcock Chicken?

For smoking spatchcock chicken, mild woods like apple, cherry, or pecan are recommended. These woods impart a delicate and slightly sweet flavor that complements the chicken without overwhelming it. Avoid using strong woods like hickory, which can overpower the chicken’s natural taste.


Smoking a spatchcock chicken at 350 degrees is a simple and delicious way to cook a flavorful meal. By following the recommended cooking times, you can achieve a perfectly cooked and juicy chicken with a smoky flavor. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a novice griller, this cooking method is a must-try for anyone looking to impress their guests with a tasty and tender dish.

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